This could mean one of two things. The first is you want my contact details, and the second is you want me to accept your contact details. I will go into both options within this page. However, if you have FTP access to your website, or you can upload files to your website, I will suggest that you get a .vcf file, and upload it to your website. You can then provide the URL, and make it easy for other people to get your contact details.
Getting My Details
For simplicity sake, I have a Virtual Card File. This file is on my website, and allows anyone with the URL which I give freely to anyone that wants it. They will download the Virtual Card File, and follow the instructions of their phone to add me to their contacts. My .vcf will have my cellular phone number, my home phone number, email address, web address, and mailing address. You would also get a picture of me, and my date of birth. Downloading the file will do all of this with minimal intervention from you. All you have to do is add or save the contact information. No typing in numbers, and therefore – no mistakes.
Adding You to My Contacts
As mentioned, the best way to allow me to add you to my contacts is to provide a .vcf file. The best way to do this will be to provide a URL with the file, and allow me to download your contact details. If you set up everything properly, I will have all of the information your would want me to have.
However, if this is not an option, I will need your full name. I will also need either an email address, telephone number, or some other contact information. If you are providing this information via email, I will copy and paste the information so there should be no mistake.